Special Features to Support the Austrian ÖNORM A-6241-1
The Standard ÖNORM A - 6241-1 contains a number of additional requirements to be met. These are:
- The name of the blocks for annotations and the name of attributes are defined in the standard
All the annotation blocks used are defined in a drawing template that can be downloaded from the Austrian Standards Institute (ASI)
- Special post-processing for the annotation of Doors and Windows
Doors and windows must have a special annotation with width / height and other informations. Depending on the orientation and opening side as shown below.
Creation of a 2D-polyline describing the rectangle around doors and windows for the opening in the wall
Special options concerning the creation of annotation blocks
If additional attributes are to be created which are not listed in the Standard, an additional annoation block following a special naming convention has to be created.
- Create polylines for cutouts in spaces
Revit creates polylines for “island” in spaces on the same layer as for the space. This is not allowed in ÖNORM A-6241-1. A special post-processing is made in order to determines if a space-polyline is “inside” another space, and if so, another layer is assigned to these “island-polylines”.
- Make sure that the insertion point of the “room tag” block is inside the polyline describing the shape of the room.
In Revit, you can place a space tag outside a room with a “leader”, but the insertion point of the block created from the annoation is in fact outside the space. This is corrected by modifying the insertion point of the annotation block.
These additional features can be set in the “General Options” Dialog.